Jun 20, 2023

T-Time Podcast // Ep. 48: Prevention & Recovery of the Most Common Golf Injuries with Dr. Audra Lance

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Today, Tori is hosting Dr. Audra Lance, a sports and non-surgical injuries specialist. Dr. Lance is not only a host of the Mind Your Body podcast but also referred to Tori by her favorite business coach, Tiffany Carter. Dr. Lance runs her practice in Brentwood, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. At her practice, they prioritize concierge care, identifying the root cause of injuries rather than solely addressing the pain. They frequently work with golfers, treating issues like golfer's elbow and low back problems. 

Surprisingly, elbow pain can sometimes originate from the neck. Instead of allowing clients to struggle with their pain, Dr. Lance and her team enjoy uncovering these connections. Their practice also caters to individuals seeking performance enhancement, injury prevention, and fine-tuning their golf swing. They meticulously analyze each aspect of the swing, identifying any weak points in the chain and assisting clients in reaching their peak performance. Their ultimate goal is to provide an edge and help clients perform at their best.

Dr. Audra’s Customers

Dr. Audra helps athletes reach the next level in golf, addressing issues like swing acceleration and power. Many golfers experience frequent injuries, with studies showing that 41% of amateurs and 50% of professionals get hurt within a year. Despite viewing golf as a leisurely activity, the golf swing can strain the body in various ways. Her practice works with many clients, from professional athletes to aspiring college players. They offer personalized game plans to address injuries and improve performance. Dr. Audra has even helped golfers in their 70s regain their edge and enjoy the game with their friends.

Golfer's vs Tennis Elbow

Golfer's and tennis elbow both involve inflammation around the elbow (technically tendonitis). The tennis elbow affects the outer side of the elbow, while the golf elbow affects the inner side. The pain can be similar, but examining the location of pain and tenderness can help differentiate between the two. Tennis players are more prone to tennis elbow, and golfers are more prone to golfer's elbow. The specific area of pain, tenderness, and swelling can provide clues for diagnosis, but consulting a doctor is important.

What Causes Inflammation?

Two main factors can cause inflammation. Firstly, direct trauma can occur when you accidentally hit your elbow against objects like a golf cart or a club. This leads to immediate inflammation at the site of impact. The second cause is repetitive use injury, which occurs when you consistently engage in activities that strain the elbow. This can happen if you're not distributing the load properly or have issues with foot push-off, thoracic rotation, core stability, hip flexors, or the low back. To compensate for these limitations, your body may extend the elbow further than necessary during repetitive motions, such as swinging a golf club. Over time, this repetitive stress builds up, resulting in more inflammation and pain. At this point, your body signals the need for rest and healing to prevent further damage.

Recovery from an Injury

The recovery process depends on the stage of your injury. Dr. Audra’s and the team’s goal is to keep you involved in your sport as much as possible, with modifications if necessary. They focus on finding specific exercises and techniques that you can do yourself to promote healing. They assess the elbow and other connected areas like the shoulder and thoracic rotation. Your commitment and active participation are crucial for faster recovery. They aim to avoid overwhelming you and provide tailored exercises. Sometimes, they may teach you how to tape the affected area for improved mobility. However, excessive bracing can lead to compensatory injuries, so caution is advised.

How to Help Reduce Lower-Back Pain

Breathing patterns can contribute to lower back pain. Shallow breathing limits core muscle activation, while proper breathing engages the core and reduces pain. Visit MyTrainingRoom.com for a free audio series on breathing techniques. Hip and lower back pain are often connected, and tight hamstrings may have neurological origins. Seek evaluation for recurring injuries or limitations in your golf game. Rule out lower back involvement when considering hip replacement and explore conservative care options before surgery. Seek multiple opinions from surgeons you trust.

Thoracic Spine & Thoracic Spine Rotation

The thoracic spine is the area between your shoulder blades, extending to your mid-back. Sitting in a forward hunched position can lead to tightness and limited mobility in this region. Opening up the thoracic spine is crucial for a proper golf swing. Sometimes people may feel like their ribs are "out," but bones cannot be out of place. Issues in the thoracic spine can present in various ways, such as reduced movement, a catching sensation, or persistent side pain during breathing. While disc issues in this area are less common, they can cause burning pain.

Importance of Muscle Strength Training, Yoga, and Mobility Training

Strength training is crucial to prevent muscle and bone deterioration, especially as we age. It doesn't have to involve heavy weights; bodyweight exercises can be effective too. Yoga and stretching offer additional benefits, including relaxation and mindset improvement. It's important to modify yoga positions if you have an injury. Maintaining movement, rest, and recovery balance is key to feeling good as we age. Incorporate goals, recovery days, strength training, and therapeutic activities like walking into your routine.

Check out this quick video with Tori and Donna Taylor from a previous episode!

Dr. Audra’s Advice to People Ignoring Chronic Pain

Help is available for chronic pain, even if you haven't found it yet. Many healthcare professionals are eager to assist you in living a better life, improving your mobility, and finding relief. Don't lose hope or believe you must endure the pain alone. Keep seeking solutions and trying different approaches. You have the potential to find relief and improve your quality of life.

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