Dec 03, 2018

No FISH or CHICKEN Dinners - 5-Day Meal Plan!

food & drink

BREAKFASTS (with 16 oz. of water)

  • 3/4 Cup (red container) Egg Muffins
    Scramble 4 eggs, mix your choice of chopped veggies and cheese in the eggs, pour 3 servings in a cupcake tray – bake in a 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes – until they are set. I like to eat them with a side of salsa
  • 1 Cup (purple container) of grapes


  • 3/4 Cup (red container) of Nonfat Greek Yogurt with Mixed Berries with a drizzle of honey

1 Scoop of Shakeology with 8 oz. of Water - Blended with Ice (Optional)

SNACK #2 (with 16 oz. of water)

3/4 Cup of Cottage Cheese with Cherry Tomatoes, Salt & Pepper
1 Beachbar with 2 Tbsp. (orange container) of Raw Almond Butter

LUNCH (with 16 oz. of water

¾ Cup (red container) of Shredded Chicken
1 Serving of Rice Crackers
2 Slices of Cheddar Cheese
4 Walnuts

DINNER (with 16 oz. of water)

Teriyaki Flank Steak – 6 oz. portion
***TIP*** Just pick out a low-sodium teriyaki sauce to marinate the flank steak in. Grill and done!
Choose a Carb – ½ Cup (yellow container) – Brown Rice or Sweet Potatoes
Pick a Veggie – 1 Cup (green container) – Green Beans, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts or Asparagus
All veggies were roasted in an oven at 400 degrees for about 30 minutes – tossed in olive oil/salt & pepper


Zucchini Meatball Boats
Spoon out the Zucchini’s – sprinkle with olive oil and Italian Seasoning
Cook Turkey Meatballs and cut in half – it’s easier to fit in the zucchini!
***TIP*** Just buy frozen meatballs to save time – I LOVE the Trader Joe’s Turkey Meatballs.
Spread tomato sauce and cheese on top of meatballs/zucchini and put in a 350 degree oven to heat through for 15-20 minutes.

Since you have 3 snacks throughout your day, consider having your Shakeology at night to curb the sweet tooth!

Grocery List


Pick Two:
Broccoli, Green Beans, Asparagus, Brussel Sprouts
3 Zucchini’s

One Flank Steak
1 Package of Frozen Turkey Meatballs
Shredded Rotisserie Chicken – Already packaged at Safeway

Nonfat Greek Yogurt
Low-fat Organic Cottage Cheese
Cheddar Cheese Block – for Slices
Low-fat Shredded Mozzarella Cheese

Almond Butter
Seed or Rice Crackers (gluten-free)
Low-Sodium Teriyaki Marinade
Brown Rice (or sweet potatoes)
Your Favorite Tomato Sauce
Italian Seasoning