BFore Golf Preview: Geography of a Golf Course
What are the main areas of a golf course?
A bag drop is a spot in the parking lot where you can drive up and drop off your clubs. There are usually signs guiding you to this location. Usually at the bag drop, an attendant will take your clubs and put them on a golf cart.
Upon arrival, go directly to the Golf Shop where you will check-in for your tee time, purchase your round and buy any range balls for your warmup. You can also ask the Golf Shop where the location of the range, short game area, putting green and 1st tee is.
How are you going to know where and when to tee off?
The Starter is the golf course employee that is in charge of the first tee. They will let you know when it’s time to tee off and make sure everyone starts on time.
Just a heads up, a lot of times the 1st tee box is very close to the 10th hole tee box. Be sure to ask the Golf Shop or the Starter exactly where the 1st tee box is.
Fear is completely normal when starting anything new! When you started golf was your biggest fear embarrassing yourself, being judged or looking silly around strangers?
It can be quite difficult to understand all of the rules and keep golf etiquette top of mind. It’s easy to give up when you are so focused on doing something wrong.
Mine was that I was holding up the group behind me because I was moving too slow… I want to make sure that never happens to another female golfer!
And that’s exactly why I created BFore Golf!
To ensure that your friends and family, who are new to golf, feel comfortable and confident as a beginner golfer.
New female golfers don’t need to feel-
>> Like people are watching and judging them.
>> Uncomfortable hitting balls on the range or getting lessons.
>> The “Boys Club”is only welcome on the golf course.
I know how these things feel too and I continue to see new female golfers struggle with the same fears. The golf course is complicated. The sport can be overwhelming. We made this program so that they can learn the in’s and out’s in the comfort of their own homes, so that when they do go to the course, they feel more confident and less intimidated by the process.