May 23, 2024

Finding Balance in the Golf World with Josh Nichols

mental hurdles of golf on the course podcast

In this episode of T-Time with Tori, host Tori sits down with mental golf coach Josh Nichols to discuss his journey in the golf world and the importance of finding balance both on and off the course. Josh, a former competitive golfer who was the runner-up in the 2017 U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship, shares his insights and experiences, offering valuable advice for golfers of all levels.

The Pursuit of Excellence

Josh's passion for golf began at a young age, and he dedicated countless hours to perfecting his craft. He recalls his intense training regimen:

"It was my whole life. It was everything. I was a golfer, right? There was no separation there."

However, Josh's singular focus on golf came at a cost. It wasn't until he met his now-wife that he began to understand the importance of balance.

The Turning Point

Josh's girlfriend, now wife, brought a new perspective to his life, showing him that there was more to life than just golf.

 This realization was a turning point for Josh, and it ultimately led to his success in the 2017 U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship.

The 2017 U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship

Josh's journey to the finals of the 2017 U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship was a testament to his hard work and dedication. He shares his mindset going into the tournament:

"I had come to this deeper belief long before the actual event so that by the time the event got here, I am cool with whatever happens. Truly, this is an awesome experience."

Despite his success, Josh admits that he struggled with the pressure and expectations that came with playing at such a high level.

Lessons Learned

Looking back on his experience, Josh reflects on the lessons he learned and the things he wishes he had known:

  1. Embrace the journey: Josh regrets not playing in more amateur events after his success in the U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship. He realizes now that he could have enjoyed the experience without putting so much pressure on himself.
  2. Don't let golf define you: After stepping away from competitive golf, Josh struggled with his identity. He learned that he didn't have to play golf to be himself.

"I don't have to play golf in order to be myself. So it's kind of a combination of the first, kind of the regrets of not playing in these things, but also the identity crisis."

  1. Find a healthy balance: Josh emphasizes the importance of finding a healthy balance between golf and other aspects of life. He encourages golfers to communicate with their loved ones and make time for the things that matter most.
  2. Face your fears: Josh shares his insights on the psychology of fear and anxiety in golf. He advises golfers to confront their fears head-on and work through them.

"It's seeing what you're afraid of and being okay with the thing you're afraid of, right? In kind of the same way, you're afraid of heights and you work on a high rise building, well, you should probably conquer this, right? So you have to face your fears, right? You got to show your brain that what you think is scary is not scary."

The Importance of Mental Coaching

Throughout the episode, Josh emphasizes the importance of mental coaching in golf. He believes that golfers of all levels can benefit from working with a mental coach to improve their mindset and overcome obstacles on the course.

"Coaching is awesome 'cause I get to talk to people about golf in the same way we are. You know, it's still, it's the job, right? It's like, I do this to pay the bills, but I pay to play golf. So I know it's of a different value to me."

Finding Joy in the Game

Despite the challenges he has faced, Josh's love for golf remains strong. He shares what brings him the most joy on the course:

 He also emphasizes the importance of practice and the satisfaction that comes with working on your game:

"I really, really like practice. I don't know how much I love playing 'cause I don't get to play that much. Playing takes a lot of time and you don't get a whole lot out of that time, right? With practice, it feels like you can cram more in into two hours back to the practice playing thing."

Advice for Golfers

Throughout the episode, Josh offers valuable advice for golfers looking to improve their game and find balance in their lives:

  • Embrace the process: Focus on the process of improving your game, rather than getting caught up in the results.
  • Be present: Work on staying present in the moment, both on and off the course.
  • Communicate with loved ones: Make sure to communicate with your loved ones about your goals and the time you need to dedicate to golf.
  • Face your fears: Confront your fears and work through them, rather than avoiding them.
  • Find a healthy balance: Make time for the things that matter most in your life, and don't let golf consume you.

The Custom Weekly Practice Plan

In addition to his insights on mental coaching and finding balance, Josh also offers a custom weekly practice plan for golfers looking to take their game to the next level. Tori shares her experience with the plan:

"I went thinking it would be like a fast transaction. And it's not, it's actually very thought out, well thought out of and, and you fill out sheets and, and it comes back to truly a custom plan for you."

Josh explains that the plan is designed to help golfers make the most of their practice time and focus on the areas of their game that need the most improvement.


Josh Nichols' journey in the golf world is a testament to the importance of finding balance and embracing the process. Through his experiences as a competitive golfer and mental coach, he has gained valuable insights that can benefit golfers of all levels.

By focusing on the process, staying present, communicating with loved ones, facing fears, and finding a healthy balance, golfers can improve their game and find greater joy both on and off the course.

Key Takeaways

  • Find a healthy balance between golf and other aspects of life
  • Embrace the process and focus on improving your game
  • Be present in the moment, both on and off the course
  • Communicate with loved ones about your goals and the time you need to dedicate to golf
  • Face your fears and work through them, rather than avoiding them
  • Don't let golf define you or consume you
  • Work with a mental coach to improve your mindset and overcome obstacles on the course
  • Make time for the things that matter most in your life

Connect with Josh Nichols

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