Compete Confidence Signature Course
with Tori Totlis

6-Weeks to Lower Your Handicap
Designed Specifically for Female Recreational Golfers

6-Weeks to Lower Your Handicap <br> Designed Specifically for
Female Recreational Golfers
Are you ready to take your game to the next level?

Are you ready to take your game to the next level?

Are you ready to take your game to the next level?
  • Are you sick of being stuck at the same handicap?

  • Are you tired of shooting 90, 91, 82, 80 and just want to break 90 or break 80?
  • Do you always find yourself going to the range with no plan and then just getting discouraged and leaving?

  • Do you find that getting golf lessons can sometimes be frustrating because you aren't seeing the progress that you want?
  • Are you ready to connect with other like-minded, female golfers that want to improve their game too?

  • Do you ever stand over a chip shot, a 60-yard pitch shot, green-side bunker shot,  a long putt or a narrow fairway and think… “I HOPE I can pull this off.”
  • Have you played a certain tournament every year but have yet to win your flight or even the whole thing?

  • Are you ready to narrow the margin between your lowest and highest scores?
  • Would your confidence on the golf course increase if you started making more up & downs? Or hit more fairways? Or hit more greens in regulation?

  • Are you committed to putting in the time to train for the next 6 weeks in order to take your game to the next level?


"I’ve had the chance to play with Tori for years.  I’ve watched her go from an average player to now one of the best players at our club.  Tori got there by her hard work and dedication to the game. She knows how to “Practice with a Purpose” and the results have paid off.  She went from average golfer to the Ladies Club Champion in a very short time.  Tori knows how to inspire other people to play their best.  I believe she is a born teacher."

Jan Hair, Golfer

Imagine this....

Standing over that chip shot and looking to hole it out instead of just praying for good contact.

No longer stressing over practicing because you know how to improve your game in 30 minutes a day.

Drastically reducing the 3-putts and increasing your up & downs!

Breaking 100, breaking 90, breaking 80, BREAKING 70!!!

Finally seeing your handicap go down and being able to play in different tournament flights and new club teams.

Having the feeling of going into a tournament knowing that you have done everything you can to prepare.

Are You READY to ELEVATE Your Game in All Areas of Golf?

Putting, Chipping, Pitching, Sand Play, Irons, Wedges, Driver, Shaping Shots, and MUCH MORE!

How Many Times Have you Told Yourself....

How Many Times Have you Told Yourself....
  • This season I am going to start practicing consistently.

  • Once I have extra time, I am going to start going to the range on a regular basis.

  • If I have extra time to practice, I would rather go play a round.
  • If I just got lessons more often than I would be a better golfer.

  • Every time I get a lesson it costs me over $100 and my swing gets all messed up!
  • Once I buy these super expensive custom clubs, I will be able to hit it farther and straighter.

  • I wish I could practice but I just don’t have the time!

  • Golf is too hard, there is no point in practicing.

  • I don’t feel comfortable going to the range or practice facilities because I am not good enough.

  • I didn’t grow up playing golf so I probably won’t get any better!

I'm here to tell you that there is a more affordable, efficient way to improve your golf game.

“Passion, Dedication, Education….this is Tori in a nutshell.  Tori is encouraging, inviting, and supportive in her girlfriends’ personal golf journey.  Tori knows how to make it fun while playing!  From the moment I met Tori, I was a fan!”

-Rose Carlson, Golfer

“Whether you are young or more importantly young at heart, Tori is the person I recommend to help you achieve a better golf game and improved physical fitness.  Her encouraging nature along with a realistic can-do attitude are two of the attributes I admire most about Tori. She makes practicing-what-she-preaches fun and inspiring, and I’ve seen the results of her advice and role-modeling pay off for everyone she coaches.”

Margaret Dyekman, Golfer, Birder, Author

Tori has grit and determination - add to that she practiced until she got it right and then transformed her body with diet and exercise. What an inspiration to others! All with a sense of humor and generous smile. 

-Peggy Iacobelli, Golfer

I am on a mission to help women improve their golf game and bring them together as a community. 

How lucky are we to be able to play a sport that we love, be outside in the beautiful weather and spend time with other like-minded women who share our love for golf as well. 


I know you love this sport and I know you crave to get better but often get frustrated at the process.

That's why I made this program. I wanted to invite women to come together and enjoy the process with each other while making it fun and within your time frame. 

When I first started playing golf...

just over 10 years ago, I fell in love with it (obsessed might be a better word) right away. Making your first birdie and immediately thinking you are going to be a Professional Golfer is a real thing - I know you have been there. 

Joining the community was the ultimate game changer. I started making friends and building relationships. From the outside one might think that we had nothing in common but we did. We loved golf, we loved to be outdoors, we loved to compete and most of all, we all stepped on the golf course everyday thinking... this could be my best round ever. 

And then of course there is the flip side to that equation and well.... at least you have a great group of friends around you to keep you company. 

The golf community was something that I didn't even know I needed (or wanted) but the greatest friends I have ever made were made on the golf course. 

In this 6-Week Program...

You will gain CONFIDENCE in all aspects of your golf game. 


You will LEARN all sorts of easy, tactical tips that you can easily use on the golf course right away!

You will BUILD RELATIONSHIPS with other like-minded female golfers just like you!

You will learn to PRACTICE with purpose so that you will save time and money on your training. 

I'm ready to lower my handicap and become more confident on the golf course!

So, what's inside the program?

Each practice day we will have a lesson plan which includes SIMPLE tips from a PGA Professional designed specifically for female golfers.

Here is a breakdown of what you will see:

Week One:

  • Putting Speed and Line

  • Chipping & Pitching Stance and Ball Location

  • Dialing in Key Yardages

Week Two: 

  • Building a Putting Routine

  • Hitting Over Hazards

  • Using an Alignment Stick

Week Three: 

  • Choosing the Right Club

  • How to Read Putts

  • How to Execute Different Bunker Lies

Week Four: 

  • How to Hit Out of the Rough

  • How to Hit Out of a Divot or Thin Lie

  • Executing Shots on Sidehill, Uphill and Downhill Lies

Week Five: 

  • How to Recover from a Bad Shot

  • Slow Greens vs. Fast Greens

  • Hitting a Chip that Runs Out

Week Six: 

  • Tips on Playing a Fade and a Draw

  • Hitting Chips that Check Up

  • Hitting Out of Fairway Bunkers

I'm ready to FINALLY break 100, break 90, break 80 or even break 70!!

What do you get...

6-week practice plan perfectly laid out for you so that there is ZERO GUESSWORK! Each day you will have a unique lesson plan to follow with a NEW video series and guide to follow each day.

Over 30 Videos with with my local PGA Golf Professional. These videos are filled with simple tips that will be easy to use immediately out on the course and on the range.

30 Customized tracking sheets to use during your practice sessions so that you can track your progress along the way.

Exclusive Members Only Female Facebook Community where we can do this program together and share our experience with each other. This group will be filled daily with new golf news, hot tips and community.

Tons of Special BONUS MATERIAL including specific golf fitness moves and routines that you can do at home!

Let's Talk Bonuses!

Let's Talk Bonuses!

Let's Talk Bonuses!
  • 10-Minute Stretch + Strength Warm-Up Routine Video and Guide Designed by a Certified Golf Performance Personal Trainer

  • 6 “Play with a Friend” Games with Custom Scorecards Ready to Take Out on the Course

  • 10-Step Putting Guide to Help Improve Your Putting

  • Compete Confidence Golf Hat Clip

“I first met Tori 7 years ago when she joined Arizona Country Club. As a busy young mother with three children, it became immediately apparent that she was capable, incredibly well organized, and driven to succeed in all facets of her life. It was not long before she dropped her handicap from 20 to 2, a direct result of her discipline and willingness to work hard to achieve that goal.

She became an active participant in the Women’s Golf Association within the club and soon was Vice President and Tournament Chair adding innovation to our program. As President for the next two years, she led with competence and energy, all while developing a website to enhance the communication within our organization. Winning the club championship was proof of her capacity for perfection! Both as an individual competitor and as a team player in the valley, she has distinguished herself as one of the top amateur women golfers in Arizona.

Her passion to perform and dedication to impact others in a positive way are character traits rarely combined with such enthusiasm. As a coach this past year, she has, once again, proven that resolve to be the best that one can be is a motivational tool Tori is, indeed, a true inspirational leader!”

-Mary Anne Boardman, Golfer

For Lifetime Access...

To FINALLY Lower Your Handicapā€¦ To Gain More Confidence on the Courseā€¦ To Be Apart of a Community That Shares the Love for the Sport Just Like You! AND Tons of Bonus Materialsā€¦


What Do Past Clients Say About the Signature Course...

“ Thank you for making this program. It’s what I needed at an opportune time in my life to get back to golf with drills that helped me practice with structure. I am a beginner and love your passion, honesty, and ability to connect to me as well as I’m sure the more experienced players. You are such a great golfer and I want to tell you that you have a gift for presenting golf instruction in a way that is so inclusive of all talent levels- you are very real and your videos with Nick are awesome. Like I said I’m a beginner, but I take what you say and implement what I can. Thank you again for helping me get back into golf! We are in and out of town a lot and I really appreciate your flexibility realizing that everyone approaches the program where they can.”

Claudia S., Golfer

"Thanks for putting together the Compete Confidence Golf Course. It was amazing.  I especially loved all the drills. Because I never had specific drills to do when I went to the range, and now this gives me tons of drills to work on.  The other good thing about this course is the variety of all the shots that you showed us -- and how to practice hitting them.  I'm glad you did focus mainly on the short game.  It is area where I need the most help."

-Rhonda D., Golfer

Although I have been out of town 3 times and had a 2-week bout with acute bronchitis, I have done more than half of the program and have lowered my handicap and increased my confidence, especially with my putting! Those are my favorite drills! I've even used a tape measure! (I tend to be a bit anal). I won last Tuesday lady's day! I plan on completing the drills, then going back and doing the bonus drills.

Edi R., Golfer


What level golfer is this program for?

I developed this program specifically for female recreational golfers who are just beginning golf or have been playing for years. This program will benefit anyone from a scratch golfer to a 36 handicap.

Is it just for women?

I made this program specifically for my community - Female Recreational Golfers. Can any golfer benefit from it - absolutely. It's a 6-week plan to become a better golfer so if that is something you are interested in, then go for it!
Our accountability groups are limited to female golfers only though.

What kind of results can I expect after following the 6-week program?

When this program is followed the way it has been laid out, you should expect lower scores, your handicap to drop and your short game to become a lot more dependable.

What should I expect upon signing up?

As soon as you sign up, you will be granted immediate (and lifetime access) to the Compete Confidence Signature Course. Everything is outlined clearly so that you will be prepared to start Day One right away.

How long is the course?

The course is 6 weeks long with 5 practice days a week.

Each practice day is 30 minutes long so its easy to double up on specific days if you need to!

Should I continue to get lessons during this time?

If there is any specific swing adjustment or technique that you are working on with a PGA or LPGA Professional then YES, please continue to see them on a regular basis. If you aren't working on any swing adjustments then no, you don't have to have lessons during this 6-week period.

Does this course substitute lessons with a Professional?

When I started to outline this program, it was very important to me to keep it simple. I didn't want a huge amount of instruction because nothing can replace in-person 1-1 instruction. This program is designed to help you fill in the gaps in between lessons. It is a "no guesswork" plan to help take your game to the next level.

What if the weather is poor and you can't practice?

I know how you feel! I was born in Rochester, NY so I fully understand the long days of winter.

When you purchase this program, you get LIFETIME ACCESS to it. Which means, even if you buy it now - and the weather turns, you can return back to the program whenever you want. You never know - there might just be a break in the weather a couple times in the winter months where you can go practice!

Is there any sort of guarantee or refund policy?

YES! If you follow the Signature Course exactly how it's laid out in a 6-week period and still lack any sort of improvement in scores or handicap, then I will offer a full refund. I stand behind this program 100%!

Within 30 days, if you are following the program exactly the way its laid out and you are not seeing the results you desired, please contact our team and we will get you a full refund right away.


50% Complete

Two Step

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